Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Getting in shape isn't for a season

Getting is shape may be for a reason, but it certainly should not be for a season. It needs to be for a lifetime.
As I was exercising on the bike today doing my cardio, I was thinking about how much I incorporate exercise in my lifestyle. We have been stationed in Okinawa for almost 4 years now, and I have lived here for over 2 years. I remember when I got here, I went to check out the gym facilities so I would know where I would be spending a significant amount of my time ;-). The gym was suitable then, and it is certainly suitable now!
I make it a point to exercise almost everyday. I average about 5 times a week, sometimes 6, and it varies in intensity. My style of exercise depends on the particular goal that I'm trying to obtain, but one thing is for certain: I don't go any period of time without working out. It is certainly part of my lifestyle. In fact, if I go even a couple of days without it, I can tell by the way I feel, the way I sleep, and the amount of energy I have.
You know you've got the lifestyle when you start planning everyday with exercise in mind. You know you've got it when you don't let excuses get in the way. If you've got it, you'll find a way to work in fitness no matter what you have going on. It will become who you are, and you will know when you've missed it.
Incorporating fitness for a lifetime is like saving money for your retirement. Even though a hefty retirement account can be developed quickly if you have the funds, you usually don't wait until it is time to retire to start saving. You save money on a daily, weekly, or even monthly basis and know that when the time comes, you'll have a good amount saved up. I can't say, "by the time I retire, I will have X amount of money saved, and to do this, I'm going to save my money in January!" Well, what happens in February? Are you going to spend all the money you saved the month before? You'll probably commit to saving a little every month so that a habit will be formed, to guarantee a certain dollar amount at the end of the time you determine. It is a major sacrifice at first, and there are a million excuses you can give to why you really need that money right now, but if you stick to it, you'll develop a lifestyle of saving!
What is my point? My point is, you don't start a workout program in January for your vacation in June, then blow your diet, drop your workout routine and expect your results to last! Why not just keep going and never have to return back to your starting point ever again!
You don't have to love it, you don't even have to like it. This is a common misconception that some people have about people involved in fitness. There are many days... and I emphasize the word "many", that I get up and think, "man, I really don't want to work out today, I am just not in the mood!" The thing is, I know that if I give in to that feeling, then it might cause me to lose the motivation for the rest of the week! So I go, and when I do, I'm telling you, I'm so glad that I did. I have a rule for myself that if I'm really feeling tired, and it's not my "rest" day: I get up, put on my workout clothes, and I drive myself to the gym. By the time I'm there, I am already feeling better about it and by the time I've done about 20 minutes of cardio, I'm back in the game. The funny part about it is, those are the times that I usually have a great workout!
Don't stop going, don't let excuses dictate your quest for health, make it become who you are and never let negative thoughts get in the way. I know you can do it.

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